Welcome to all Referral doctors and consultant doctors.
This page provides flexible platform to access the interaction between referral doctor and consultant.
Choose the correct link otherwise you may loose your data or you may get wrong diagnosis.
If you are a referral doctor, from this page, you can access the consultation form through which you can send your patients information ( history, X-ray, CT, MRI, ECG etc...) to a consultant doctor.
To send patient data to consultation
If you want to know the diagnosis or suggestions from your consultant regarding your patient.
To view diagnosis of your patient
Some times consultants can ask further information and they can suggest some more investigations to give accurate diagnosis. In that situation you can send more information of your patient with the old consultation id. This id is allotted by the logic robotic system, when you send the patients data first time. For that click on the following link.
To send more information of the patient for further consultation
If you are a consultant choose this link to give consultation.
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